Monday, October 24, 2011

Newest project - SLC sign

It has been too long since I last posted. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up over the next while. My latest project was designing a sign for our barn which I made yesterday. Getting ready to ship chicks at 1 AM so my busy schedule will continue on for a while!

 My fancy instruments. lol. Used a ruler and then the bowl on the curves to get a uniform, consistent arc.

Taped the template to the diamond shape and then cut it out with the ladybug cutter. I had it from scrapbooking and it came in very handy!

I was planning to use regular paint but seeing there were several cans of spray paint that came with the place I decided it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. It was a tough decision between JD green and black. lol.

To seal off the sign I used three coats of clear weatherproof spray.

I'm pretty happy with how the sign turned out. Not professional by any means but it will work for the time being. :D


Naomi T. said...

That looks really sharp. You are really handy, you know? :)

Anonymous said...

now, what does SLC stand for?? I know dumb question but....

Anonymous said...

Very sharp!! And nice job, Lindsey!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Looks great!!

A Heart of Praise said...

That looks great Lindsey! :)