I’m back with a determination to revive this blog as it has been sadly neglected for too long. So much has happened over the past several months! I’m not quite sure where to start so I’ll give a quick recap since the beginning of 2009. Erin and I started working at a dairy, sold the last of my feeder calves, Graham sold his farm in AB and then he, Erin, and I started a company and bought land in SK, our whole family flew back to NS for Grandma’s 90th birthday, our family started farming in SK, attended the HSA reunion in CO and travelled back to IA with the Pauls for a week long visit, Graham and I drove down to FL for Graham’s wedding, travelled to Europe with a friend, had my first niece arrive, and now have moved to Eastern Saskatchewan and am buying a chicken barn with Graham and Erin.
I’ve been living here for a month now. Dad brought our travel trailer over so I’d have a place to live until we take possession which is the end of June. This current cycle of birds is not ours but I’m here getting a six week crash course in raising chickens. : )
With the barn under new ownership, we are required to comply immediately with new rules and regulations set out by the CFS (Chicken Farmers of Saskatchewan). All of our inlet openings on the barn needed screens so I bought some chicken wire and screws, cut some lathe and went to work. Using power tools is fun! : )

Thanks for the update! It filled in a few gaps for me! ;-) Lots happening, lots of excitement! God bless your new endeavors, Lindsey!
Lots of adventure and new stuff happening! Thanks for updating us.
You're back! :)
Sounds like you've been keeping busy for sure. Chickens are interesting creatures... I wish they had more of a "will" to live at times; I hope you have great success with yours.
So how is Graham and his new bride? Pictures? ;)
Yep, using power tools IS fun! ;)
Your work looks great, by the way.
Man, you sure put the miles on lately. I had in-laws in Iowa till they passed away and I always liked visiting, it's a great state. Never been to FL though.
What a handy woman you are those screens look great!
I have had a unique and fascinating opportunity of late, I am writing a story about some farm folks in Hungary around 1911, and I realized how very little I know about farming with real horsepower (yeah, I'm a city kid, go figure), but lo and behold my 98 year old friend at church (he is still bright eyed and spry) used to farm with teams of horses in Nebraska (he was the first in his area to weld a hitch on his horse drawn equipment and use a tractor) and he is happy to answer any old dumb questions I might come up with.
He is a Godsend. I thought you might find that interesting.
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