Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 8, Tuesday

Today was one of those days. First woke up to find out that the propane had run out. Had to start my morning without coffee…:P I was out of milk so had toast instead of cereal. Popped the toaster on and then plugged in the heater since it was a little cooler inside the camper. Half way through toasting the electrical outlets stop working. It has happened a few times before but I wasn’t sure which breaker it was so I just left it.

So then I head out to chore at the barn at 7 AM to find water at the north end with more seeping in due to the rain. (It has happened a couple times this cycle but not to this extent.) We’ve had 2 ½ “ over the past two days not to mention the endless rain we’ve had the past several weeks. The ground is completely saturated and land fairly flat here so the water has decided to reroute itself up through the barn. Spent the morning bucketing water out. Darryl’s dad and cousin come over (yay for great neighbours! : )) to see the situation and what they can do to help.

I try and use a wheelbarrow to bring some gravel over to find out the wheel needs to be replaced. Back to using a 5 gallon bucket (what would I do without them! :D) to bring in gravel to build a dam in the barn around the opening where the most water is filling in. Beavers are not well-liked in this area but it sure would have been handy to hire one. Haha.

Anyways, the water finally slows down a bit so I’m able to leave for a quick trip to town to pick up a sump pump and also am going to get my propane tanks filled. Find pretty much the last sump pump in town at the CO-OP. Phone calls asking about sump pumps were coming in while I was there due to many basements in the area being flooded. I get the necessary fittings and hose and head off to get my propane tanks filled. The two girls at the ESSO spend a while finding trying to find the engraved dates on both tanks. They inform me both are past expiration and cannot be filled. I think one probably could have been filled but they were more scared of the $10,000 fine than me. Haha. They are a taller tank so I’m not sure if I should pick up a smaller 20 LB tank as it might not fit. I call three different numbers back at our other farm and cannot get a hold of anyone so head home as I need to check the water situation again in the barn.

That brings us around to about 5 this evening. Yeah, it has been a full day. It is still raining, water is still seeping in, and more rain is in the forecast. Dad and Mom have decided to come over since they can’t get any more seeding done due to the weather. I’m going to wait to use the pump until Dad gets here as I’m not sure that the float will kick the pump in at the low level we need. The guy at the CO-OP said it would but I’m not counting on anything seeing how this day has gone. LOL! Dad looks at the pump after arriving to find out that it won’t work.

So this is just one of those days that makes you appreciate the days when every thing goes smoothly and as planned. Wouldn’t life be boring though if nothing out of the ordinary ever happened?! We’ll have some vivid and amusing memories of our beginnings in this new adventure. :D

That all said, I am looking forward to some uneventful days ahead! :)


Anonymous said...

Yep, sure makes you appreciate the smooth flowing, get-a-lot-done days!
Hasn't the weather been wet this year? For a while (in May)it was raining every other day. Now it's every 3 or 4 days =D

A Heart of Praise said...

Sounds like a lot of fun : p. Graham and I went to check the fields today, but none were dry enough to seed and we just about got stuck with the truck. This weather is unreal! But I know we should be thankful for the good days we have had to seed.

Anonymous said...

Your adventures with the water streaming through the barn remind me of the times I have had to sleep through tornado type weather in a leaky tent. There is just no way to stop it and no way to get comfortable and sleeping out in the driving rain is not really an option, of course. Hope your workdays get much better!!
